Why go solar in New Jersey

Did you know that, according to the SEIA, New Jersey ranks among the top 10 solar states?* The state offers both net metering and Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), potentially resulting in significant savings for qualifying individuals. Picture receiving payments from your energy utility company! Additionally, New Jersey homeowners may qualify for rebates from utility providers, providing savings on taxes. Those eligible can also benefit from property tax exemptions, further easing the cost of transitioning to solar.

couple with finances


Solar Incentives

in New Jersey

New Jersey mandates investor-owner utilities and energy suppliers to provide net metering to qualified customers. In addition to net metering, New Jersey’s Transition Renewable Energy Credits (TREC) are vouchers earned by solar producers, sellable to utilities to meet their renewable energy requirements. Residents can also benefit from a sales tax exemption, paying zero sales tax on solar equipment, accessories, and installation. Moreover, a property tax exemption ensures no additional property taxes based on the added value of solar to your home.

Furthermore, New Jersey homeowners are eligible for the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This credit allows you to deduct 30 percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.


Solar panels perform in all kinds of weather

Embarking on the solar journey is a significant decision, and while various factors warrant consideration, local weather need not be a deterrent. Solar panels are engineered to function effectively in almost any weather condition, be it snow or clouds!